Posted by : Unknown Friday 22 February 2013

Tumblr has sent out emails to its users notifying them of a security breach. However, the issue isn’t Tumblr’s system’s fault, as the hack can be traced back to Zendesk, the email and contact support client that Tumblr and a handful of other social applications use.  Pinterest and Twitter are also suffering at the Zendesk security failure. 

The security vulnerability has been patched up already, Zendesk wrote in a blog post. But the damage has been done already: The hacker downloaded the email addresses of people who emailed Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest support. The only silver lining is that users’ passwords are safe and sound.

If you’re a Tumblr user and ever contacted its support team via email in the past 2.5 years since Tumblr has been using Zendesk Tumblr says that there’s a good chance that you’ve been affected. These are the warning words Tumblr had for users. 

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