Posted by : Unknown Thursday 28 March 2013

According to Google’s official Android blog, the Google Play store will soon have such functionality.
The feature, which (for now) will only be made available on Android tablets, takes advantage of the company’s Knowledge Graph. While the software traditionally grabs information from metadata, this new feature will actually utilize facial recognition technology to figure out who each actor is.

Once you pause, all you have to do is tap on a person’s face; a circle will be drawn around it (so you know you’ve tapped the right person, if you happened to pause on a crowded scene), and on the right, two tiles will appear. The top will be a headshot of the actor, with some basic information (name, age, place of birth). The bottom will be a list of the actor’s filmography.

For its launch, the app will only work in the U.S. on devices running Android 4.0 and higher, and work with hundreds of movies. It promises to add more every day, and to eventually branch out to other countries and devices.

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