Posted by : Unknown Monday 12 August 2013

There is no official release date on the iPhone 5S, but AllThingsD believes it’s coming Sept. 10. The site says it got its information from “sources,” but doesn’t go into any further detail. If true, this would put the iPhone announcement almost precisely a year after the iPhone 5 event, which was held on Sept. 12 last year. That event was a Wednesday last year and is a Tuesday this year. This means that pre-orders could start on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013 and it could ship sometime around Sept. 19 or 20 (the following Thursday or Friday).

This isn’t a rumor, but when you see iOS 7, you might think it is. At WWDC in June, Apple unveiled iOS 7, which is the first big design shakeup for iOS since the iPhone debuted in 2007. The new version is flatter, brighter, and full of white screens. 

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